Hi I’m Jo McMeechan

I’m the CEO of SENStory Group

And we’re passionate about supporting children and young adults to nurture their nature to thrive, wherever they are.

I'm an Inclusion and Diversity Trainer and Consultant, Queer and Neurodivergent business owner, Children's Physio, and a mum to two incredible children. Our own household is full of diversity and over the years I’ve had a real battle with a broken education system that didn't fit the same mould as my children.
SENStory was born out of a want to help children and young adults, who were facing the same struggles as my children were, to never feel like they were the exception rather than the rule.

Our vision is to rewrite the narrative of adversity for neurodiverse individuals and instead create a culture of inclusion that supports them through childhood into early adulthood.
We work with businesses, events and schools to provide training and consulting services that mean they are actively supporting and meeting the needs of young adults as they make their way into the wider world.
And we have SENStory CIC which provides therapy, leisure and learning for children and young adults with additional needs through the beauty of the great outdoors.

So, how can we help?

Inclusion and Diversity Training

Creating a culture of inclusion where everyone can thrive.

Visit SENStory CIC

Support, therapy, leisure and learning in the great outdoors for children and young people with SEN and additional needs.

I know that ‘no’ is not an option. That’s why we’re committed to breaking down barriers from the get go.


We know that more is possible for neurodiverse people.

We want to put more in place so everyone can thrive. More support. More education.

More inclusive workspaces. More focused provision.

More training for those who are passionate about leading from the front. If we accept no, we accept a narrative of failure for our children and young adults. And we’re on a mission to change that.

Our Values

Nurture Your Nature

If a flower doesn’t bloom, you change the environment, not the plant. Inclusion is more than a tick box exercise. People don’t fit neatly into boxes; our brains are wonderful, diverse things. We treat everyone like an individual and make sure our training, consultancy and CIC services do the same.

Know Your Processing Powers

Self awareness and understanding is key in creating a culture of inclusion where everyone can thrive.

When we know better we can do better

Every one of us is human; we’re all here to learn. Education is key. We want to help you create a more positive experience, whether that’s in your organisation, your school, your event or in your own home.

Young people are the future

Creating an environment where diverse people can thrive is only going to serve us all for the better.

We’re passionate about making sure we’re leading the way in shaping the world to meet the needs of neurodiverse young people, instead of expecting them to conform to a culture that doesn’t bend for them.

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